Orange Conservation Commission

Orange, Connecticut

Orange Conservation Commission

Orange, Connecticut

Dog Rules

Dogs on Leash in all Open Spaces

The Orange Conservation Commission wants to remind the public using Orange’s Open Spaces that there are local ordinances outlining the rules and etiquette for owners of dogs. We remind all dog walkers to be responsible and heed to these rules.

Town ordinance 307-9 imposes the following:
* Dogs must be kept on leash and close to their owners *
* Dogs and owners must keep to the designated trails *
* Dogs are not allowed in streams or rivers, and must be kept away from the fragile banks of the waterways *
* All dog waste must be picked up and disposed of properly. *

Compliance with the rules of etiquette will help protect our open spaces and ensure that all visitors have a safe and pleasant experience.

There have been increased reports of owners allowing their unleashed dogs to degrade the environment, jeopardize the safety of other users and/or their leashed dogs, and compromise non-dog owner’s enjoyment of open space lands, as well as reports of owners failing to clean up after their dogs or leaving the waste bags along the trails.

Stepped-up enforcement activity will include random visits to Orange’s Open Spaces by the Animal Control Officer from Milford. The Officer is authorized to cite violators of the Local Ordinances. Such violators may be subject to arrest and prosecution and may be fined an amount not to exceed $100.